Kedington is a village located between Clare and Haverhill in south-west Suffolk.
Known as Kidituna in the Domesday Book (1086), there were 280 people living there at that time.
Kedington's church, St Peter and St Paul, is one of the historical treasures of East Anglia, dating from the late 13th century. However, the church is built on top of a Roman villa, the remains of which can be viewed under small trap doors located in the pews towards the back of the nave.
There is an Anglo-Saxon stone cross located above the altar on the east wall of the church. This was found near to the church and is believed to be from a church dating from Saxon times.
Kedington comes in the top rank of small English churches and is renowned for its unmodernised interior and Barnardiston tombs.
John Betjeman understandably christened Kedington “a village Westminster Abbey”. The 17th century Archbishop of Canterbury John Tillotson was rector of Kedington prior to his elevation.